Vanessa Hutchinson
Vanessa is our Downs North Co-Ordinator & Chilham Parish Councillor. Having been a University Lecturer for 15 years, she currently works for Greenfriars, a Sustainability Consultancy based in Canterbury. Vanessa has completed her Carbon Literacy Training and has given talks to local businesses and groups about sustainability at home. She also writes a column about all things environmental for her local Parish Magazine. Like many people, motherhood was the life change that made Vanessa ramp up her environmental activity, and after many years of making personal, household, and work-based changes in the direction of sustainability and tackling climate change, it became obvious that political action is what is needed in the climate fight, and that a local focus is the way forward for many solutions to both the climate emergency and the social challenges we are all facing. Vanessa has been an active member of the Ashford Greens for the past two years, and has helped with local newsletters in Downs North, as well as litter picks and other Green activity. She is passionate about her community, helping with community events in her village and volunteering for the local school. She also sings with the Canterbury Community Gospel Choir. Vanessa has a PhD in Critical Musicology.